(10205) Pokorný = 1997 PX1
Discovered 1997 Aug. 7 by M. Tichý and Z. Moravec at Kleť.
Named in honor of Zdeněk Pokorný (b. 1947), Czech astronomer who
works at the Nicolas Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium, as well as at Masaryk
University in Brno. He started his career with studying the giant planets, but
his main work consists of education and the popularization of astronomy.
He created many programs for the Brno Planetarium and is the author of
the first Czech astronomical multimedia CD-ROM "ASTRO 2001". In 1991 Pokorný
founded and served as the first president of the Association of
Observatories and Planetaria in Czechoslovakia. Name endorsed and citation
prepared by J. Tichá.
(MPC 34633 – 1999 May 4)
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