Milos Tichy(1), Jana Ticha(1), Michal Kocer(1)

(1) Klet Observatory, Zatkovo nabrezi 4, CZ-370 01 Ceske Budejovice South Bohemia, Czech Republic

Near Earth Object (NEO) research is important not only as a great challenge for science but also as an important challenge for planetary defense. Therefore NEO discoveries, astrometric follow-up, orbit computations as well as physical studies are of high interest both to science community and humankind.

The KLENOT Project of the Klet Observatory, South Bohemia, Czech Republic pursued the confirmation, early follow-up, long-arc follow-up and recovery of NEOs since 2002. Tens of thousands astrometric measurements helped to make inventory of NEOs as well as to understand the NEO distribution. It ranked among the world most prolific professional NEO follow-up programmes during its first phase from 2002 to 2008.

Presented at IAU Symposioum No. 318, XXIX. GA IAU, Honolulu, USA, 2015
Asteroids: New Observations, New Models, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 318, pp. 319-320, 2016
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