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Confirmatory observations of newly discovered fainter NEO candidates

Some of new search facilities produce discoveries fainter than mag. 20 V (1.8-m Spacewatch II, 1.2-m Palomar/NEAT) which need larger telescope for confirmation and early follow-up. 1-m class telescope is also very suitable for confirmation of very fast moving objects and our larger FOV enables to search for NEO candidates having larger ephemeris uncertainty.

Recoveries of NEOs in the second opposition

For the determination of reliable orbits it is required to observe asteroids in more oppositions. If observed arc in discovery apparition is long enough, the chance for a recovery in next apparition is good. If the observed arc at single opposition is not so good, we plan to search along the line of variation based on data from Minor Planet Center databases (Marsden, Williams), Lowell Observatory databases (Bowell, Koehn), and Klet Observatory databases (Tichy, Kocer)

Follow-up astrometry of poorly observed NEOs

It is necessary to observe newly discovered NEOs in longer arc during the discovery opposition when they get fainter. A special attention is given to "Virtual Impactors" and PHAs, target of future space missions or radar observations. There is also need for some observational effort at further oppositions. On the other hand, it is necessary to find optimal observing strategy to maximize orbit improvement of each asteroid.

Follow-up astrometry of other unusual objects, i.e. Centaurs, transneptunian objects

We plan to make follow-up astrometry of these objects, both in discovery opposition and next apparitions. To obtain positions of brighter transneptunians, we propose to use longer, several minutes exposures with magnitude limit about V = 22 mag.. Up to this limit there will be only some 10 - 20 brighter transneptunian objects from more than 400 known, but considering the problem with securing adequate data for orbit computation of these objects, follow-up astrometry at least of some of them will be useful.

Cometary features

Analysis of possible cometary activity of newly discovered bodies.

Search for new asteroids

Our primary goal is astrometric follow-up of unusual objects. If observations will be planned effectively, there will be also time for searching. We expect by our experience about one third of the whole observing time will be devoted to searching. Moreover, all CCD images will be processed not only for target objects, but also tested for possible new objects. Regarding on effective field of view, observing time, limiting magnitude of V = 22 mag. and existing models there is possibility to find several hundreds of new objects per year. Obtained images will be processed with special reference to fast moving objects and slowly moving objects.

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