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NEO observations

We are engaged in follow-up astrometry of newly discovered NEOs, poorly observed NEOs in further apparitions, recoveries of NEOs, newly discovered comets, Centaurs. Most of new fast moving objects are confirmed and measured (or denied) rapidly after announcing the discovery as data of MPECs show. You can see several Klet images of NEOs including potentially hazardous asteroids (PHA) 1996 JA1 and 1997 XF11, Apollo asteroid 1998 KY26, PHA Apollo asteroid 1999 AN10, PHA Apollo asteroid 1999 RQ36, minor planet 2000 WE70 or 2000 YA.

The limiting magnitude of our 0.57-m reflector equipped with CCD camera SBIG ST-8 is V = 19.5 (MPC code 046 Kleť Observatory, České Budějovice), but precise positions of some fainter objects were measured if seeing was very good, for example nine particular nuclei of comet D/1993 F2 (Shoemaker-Levy 9) or transneptunian objects 1996 TL66, 2000 EB173, 2000 GN171 and 1999 TC36.

The 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 statistics shows that the Klet' Observatory was the second world most prolific site producing astrometry of PHAs published in Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, the LINEAR project was the first.

In 2002 we received a new MPC code 246 Kleť Observatory-KLENOT for our new 1.06-m KLENOT Telescope and started NEO follow-up astrometry up to limiting magnitude V = 22.

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