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Kleť Observatory Telescopes

1.06-m KLENOT telescope (since 2002)

1.06-m KLENOT telescope (since 2002)

(Photo Miloš Tichý)

0.57-m f/5.2 reflector (since 1993)

0.57-m f/5.2 reflector (since 1993)

For the follow-up astrometry (Klet discoveries, NEOs, comets) 0.57-m f/5.2 (570/2950 mm) reflector with CCD camera at the second dome of Kleť Observatory is used. Since 1994 we have used the CCD camera SBIG ST-6 equipped with TI TC-241 detector of 375 x 242 elements (23 x 27 microns). The limiting magnitude is 20.0 with 120 second exposure in good nights. The field of view is 9.9 x 7.5 arcminutes. Since 1996 June we are using new CCD camera - SBIG ST-8 equipped with Kodak 1600 detector of 1530 x 1020 elements (9 x 9 microns) on this telescope. The limiting magnitude is 20.0 with 120 second exposure in good nights, too, but the field of view is 16 x 10 arcminutes. Some discoveries were also made by chance on these small CCD fields. (Photo Michal Tůma)

Maksutov telescope (1977-1996)

Maksutov telescope (1977-1996)

For searching 0.63-m f/3 (630/850/1870 mm) Maksutov telescope was used. The field of view was nearly 20 square degrees. Our standard method were double exposures of 20 and 20 minutes on ORWO ZU or Kodak 103aO plates with 3 arcminutes shift in the declination. Images of all stars were parallel pairs of points and images of asteroids were non-parallel ones. The limiting stellar magnitude was 17.0 - 17.5, the limiting magnitude of slowly moving objects was 16.2 - 16.9 under existing conditions. The plate microscope was used for searching for moving objects. Cartesian coordinates of moving objects and reference stars are measured with Comess - Zeiss Koordinatemessegeraet upgraded by special optoelectronical measurement system connected with PC. (Photo Jana Tichá)

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