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Publications - Articles - Articles


  1. Tichý, M., Tichá, J. and Honková, M.: Humans and hazardous asteroids: 30 years of experience in education and communication (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION, PART B )


  1. Tichá, J., Tichý, M.,Honková, M.: KLET OBSERVATORY PREPAREDNESS AND PLANS FOR PLANETARY DEFENCE (Proceedings 1st NEO and Debris Detection Conference, 22 January 2019 - 24 January 2019, Darmstadt, Germany, published by ESA Space Safety Programme Office )


  1. Tichá, J., Tichý, M.: Klet Observatory : 25 years of experience in NEO public education and communication (Journal of Space Safety Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 3-4, pp.209-210, 2018)


  1. Tichý, M., Tichá, J.: KLENOT Project in the framework of ESA-SSA NEO Programme (poster at ACM 2017, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2017)


  1. Yamaoka, H.; Green, D. W. E.; Samus, N. N.; Aksnes, K.; Gilmore, A. C.; Nakano, S.; Sphar, T.; Tichá, J.; Williams, G. V.: Division B Commission 6: Astronomical Telegrams, 2016
  2. Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: KLENOT PROJECT - NEAR EARTH OBJECTS FOLLOW-UP PROGRAM (Asteroids: New Observations, New Models, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 318, pp. 319-320, 2016)


  1. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Kočer M.: How to Communicate Near Earth Objects with the Public - Klet Observatory Experience (XXIX. GA IAU, Honolulu, USA, 2015)
  2. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Kočer M.: KLENOT NEO FOLLOW-UP PROGRAM IN EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK ( (2015 Planetary Defense Conference, Frascati, Italy)
  3. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Kočer M.: NEO PUBLIC OUTREACH AND EDUCATION AT KLET OBSERVATORY AND CESKE BUDEJOVICE PLANETARIUM (2015 Planetary Defense Conference, Frascati, Italy)


  1. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Kočer M., Honková, M.: KLENOT NEO FOLLOW-UP PROGRAM - NEXT GENERATION (Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014. Proceedings of the conference held 30 June - 4 July, 2014 in Helsinki, Finland. Edited by K. Muinonen et al.)


  1. Tichý, M., Honková, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: Inaccuracies Affecting the Calculation of Orbital Elements (2013 Planetary Defense Conference, Flagstaff, USA, 2013)
  2. Honková, M., Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: The Astrometry Algorithm Used at the Klet Observatory ( (2013 Planetary Defense Conference, Flagstaff, USA, 2013)
  3. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Honková, M., Kočer M.: KLET OBSERVATORY AND LESSONS LEARNT FROM NEO PUBLIC OUTREACH AND EDUCATION (2013 Planetary Defense Conference, Flagstaff, USA, 2013)


  1. Tichá, J.: Hvězdy a růže aneb Esej o hvězdářství za časů posledních Rožmberků (Jihočeský sborník historický, 81/2012)
  2. Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Honková, M., Kočer M.: Strategy for NEO follow-up observations (Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 16, pp. 185-185, 2015)
  3. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Honková, M., Kočer M.: KLENOT Next Generation (XVIII. GAIAU, Beijing, China, 2012)
  4. Tichý, M., Honková, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: From Discovery to Impact (Geoinformatics Vol.8, pp. 73-78, 2012)


  1. Tichý, M.: Klet Observatory - European Contribution to Detecting and Tracking of Near Earth Objects (Geoinformatics Vol.7, pp. 107-115, 2011)
  2. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Kočer M., Honková, M.: Klet and KLENOT - European Contribution to Monitoring and Cataloging Near Earth Objects (2nd IAA PDC 2011, Bucharest, Romania, 2011)


  1. Fernandez, Julio A.; Yoshikawa, Makoto; Valsecchi, Giovanni B.; Chesley, Steve; Chernetenko, Yulia; Gilmore, Alan; Lazzaro, Daniela; Muinonen, Karri; Pravec, Petr; Spahr, Tim; Tholen, Dave; Ticha, Jan: Commission 20: Positions and Motions of Minor Planets, Comets and Satellites (Transactions IAU, Volume 6, Issue T27, p. 175-176, 2010)
  2. Tichá, J.; Marsden, Brian G.; Meech, Karen; Green, Daniel; Schulz, Rita; A'Hearn, Michael F.; Bowell, Edward L. G.; Fernandez, Julio; Kilmartin, Pam; Nakano, Syuichi; Noll, Keith; Schmadel, Lutz; Sh: Division III: Committee on Small Body Nomenclature (Transactions IAU, Volume 6, Issue T27, p. 184-185, 2010)
  3. Gilmore, A. C.; Samus, N. N.; Aksnes, K.; Green, D. W. E.; Marsden, B. G.; Nakano, S.; Roemer, E.; Tichá, J.; Yamaoka, H.: Commission 6: Astronomical Telegrams (Transactions IAU, Volume 6, Issue T27, p. 259-260, 2010)
  4. Kočer M., Honková, M., Tichá, J., Tichý, M.: KLENOT Project – Contribution to Follow-up Astrometry of PHAs and VIs (Nauka, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2010)


  1. Tichá, J., B. Marsden: A short history of the Commitee on Small Bodies Nomenclature (IAU Information Bulletin No. 104, 2009)
  2. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Kočer M., Honková, M.: KLENOT PROJECT 2002-2008 (Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2009)
  3. Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M., Honková, M. : KLENOT Project - European Contribution to Detecting and Tracking Near Earth Objects (1st IAA PDC 2009, Granada, Spain, 2009)
  4. Tichá, J.; Marsden, Brian G.; Bowell, Edward L. G.; Williams, Iwan P.; Marsden, Brian G.; Green, Daniel W. E.; Aksnes, Kaare; Schulz, Rita M.; A'Hearn, Michael F.; Fernández, Julio A.; Kilmartin, Pa: Division III / Working Group Committee on Small Bodies Nomenclature (Transactions IAU 2009)
  5. Fernández, Julio A.; Yoshikawa, Makoto; Valsecchi, Giovanni B.; Chesley, Steven R.; Chernetenko, Yulia A.; Gilmore, Alan C.; Lazzaro, Daniela; Muinonen, Karri; Pravec, Petr; Spahr, Timothy B.; Tholen,: Commission 20: Positions and Motions of Minor Planets, Comets and Satellites (Transactions IAU 2009)
  6. Gilmore, Alan C.; Samus, Nicolay N.; Aksnes, Kaare; Green, Daniel W. E.; Marsden, Brian G.; Nakano, Syuichi; Roemer, Elizabeth; Tichá, J.; Yamaoka, Hitoshi: Commission 6: Astronomical Telegrams (Transactions IAU 2009)


  1. Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M., Honková, M.: TNO PRECOVERY SURVEY USING THE KLENOT TELESCOPE ARCHIVE (ACM 2008, Baltimore, USA)


  1. Tichá, J.; Marsden, Brian G.; Green, Daniel; Schulz, Rita M.; A'Hearn, Michael F.; Fernandez, Julio A.; Kilmartin, Pamela; Lazzaro, Daniela; Nakano, Syuichi; Noll, Keith S.; Schmadel, Lutz D.; Shor,: DIVISION III / WG: COMMITTEE SMALL BODIES NOMENCLATURE (Transactions IAU 2007)
  2. Aksnes, Kaare; Gilmore, Alan C.; Green, Daniel W. E.; Marsden, Brian G.; Nakano, Syuichi; Roemer, Elizabeth; Samus, Nikolaj N.; Tichá, J.: COMMISSION 6: ASTRONOMICAL TELEGRAMS (Transactions IAU 2007)
  3. Tichá, J.; Tichý, M.; Kočer M.: NEO-related scientific and outreach activities at KLENOT (Proc.IAU Symp. No. 236, 2007)
  4. Kilmartin, Pam M.; Tichá, J.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Aksnes, K.; Fernández, J.; Kilmartin, P. M.; Kozai, Y.; Lazzaro, D.; Marsden, B. G.; Schmadel, L. D.; Shor, V. A.; Tichá, J.; West, R. M.; Williams, G. : Committee for Small Body Nomenclature (IAU Transactions, 2007)
  5. Morrison, David; Milani, Andrea; Binzel, Richard; Bowell, Ted; Carusi, Andrea; Chapman, Clark; Harris, Alan; Isobe, Syuzo; Marsden, Brian; Muinonen, Karri; Ostro, Steve; Shor, Victor; Steel, Duncan; T: Divisions I & III WG: on Near Earth Objects (IAU Transactions, 2007)
  6. Williams, Iwan P.; Bowell, Edward L. G.; Tedesco, Edward; Consolmagno, Guy J.; Valsecchi, Giovanni B.; Gustafson, Bo A.; Mann, Ingrid; Meech, Karen J.; A'Hearn, Michael F.; Boss, Alan P.; Cruikshank, : Working Group on Definition of Planet (IAU Transactions, 2007)
  7. Aksnes, Kaare; Gilmore, Alan C.; Marsden, B. G.; Nakano, S.; Roemer, E.; Samus, N. N.;Tichá, J.; Green, D. W. E.; Williams, G. V.: Commission 6: Astronomical Telegrams (IAU Transactions, 2007)


  1. Tichá, J.; Tichý, M.; Kiriakov, M.; Kočer M. : NEO Confirmation, Follow-up and Recovery Program by KLENOT (XXVIth GA IAU Abstract Book, 2006)
  2. Tichý, M., Tichá, J.: Czech Public Service on NEOs (XXVIth GA IAU Abstract Book, 2006)


  1. Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: Cometary features of newly discovered bodies (Highlights of Astronomy, 2005)
  2. Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: KLENOT - NEOS AND VIRTUAL IMPACTORS (ACM 2005/IAU Symposium No.229 Abstract Book, p.61, 2005)
  3. Z. Sekanina, Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: C/2004 S1 (Van Ness): A Split, Suddenly Vanishing Comet (International Comet Quarterly, 2005)
  4. Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: Confirmation of Comet Discoveries (International Comet Quarterly, 2005)
  5. Kočer M., Tichá, J., Tichý, M.: KLENOT - Near Earth and Other unusual objects observation (Proc.IAU Coll. No. 197, 2005)


  1. Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M., R. Hudec, V. Simon: The KLENOT Telescope and GRBs (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 727, 2004)
  2. Kočer M., Tichá, J., Tichý, M.: The recovery of NEAs at the Klet' Observatory (Proc. of Ceres 2001 Workshop, 2004)
  3. Wagner, R. M.; Vrba, F. J.; Henden, A. A.; Canzian, B.; Luginbuhl, C. B.; Filippenko, A. V.; Chornock, R.; Li, W.; Coil, A. L.; Schmidt, G. D.; Smith, P. S.; Starrfield, S.; Klose, S.; Tichá, J.; Tich: The Discovery and Evolution of an Unusual Luminous Variable Star (SN 2000ch) in NGC 3432 (The PASP, 2004)


  1. Z. Sekanina, P. W. Chodas, Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: PECULIAR PAIR OF DISTANT PERIODIC COMETS C/2002 A1 AND C/2002 A2 (LINEAR) (The Astrophysical Journal, 2003) (The Astrophysical Journal, 2003)
  2. J. Polcar, R. Hudec, M. Topinka, Tichá, J., Tichý, M., N. Masetti, G.Pizzichini: Optical Follow-Up Observations of GRBs at the Klet Observatory (AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 662, 2003)


  2. Tichá, J., Tichý, M. Kočer M.: The recovery as an important part of NEO astrometric follow-up (Icarus, 2002)
  3. Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: Confirmation of cometary features of newly discovered bodies (Earth, Moon, and Planets, 2002)
  4. Tichá, J., Tichý, M.: Astrometry of Outer Solar System Bodies with small telescope (Highlights of Astronomy Vol.12, 2002)
  5. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Kočer M.: Follow-up astrometry - how to secure NEO orbits (IMPACT, Impacts: a Geological and Astronomical Perspective, Prague, 2002)
  6. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Kočer M.: Klet NEO Follow-up Astrometric Programme (Proc. International Workshop on Collaboration and Coordination Among NEO Observers and Orbital Computers, 2002)
  7. Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Kočer M.: The KLENOT Project (Proc. International Workshop on Collaboration and Coordination Among NEO Observers and Orbital Computers, 2002)


  1. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Z. Moravec: Astrometry of Outer Solar System Bodies - Experience with Small Telescope and Future Plans (Proc. of ESO Workshop, 2000)
  2. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Z. Moravec: On the activity of comet 119P/Parker-Hartley in 1986 (Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso, 2000)
  3. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Z. Moravec: The importance of follow-up observations for newly discovered NEOs (Planetary and Space Science, 2000)
  4. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Z. Moravec: Klet' Observatory NEO follow-up programme (Planetary and Space Science, 2000)
  5. V. Vanysek, Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Z. Moravec: Photometric studies of comets at the Klet' Observatory (Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso, 2000) (Planetary and Space Science, 2000)


  1. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Z. Moravec: Brief summary of Klet photographic search programme for minor planets (Proc. IAU Coll. 173, 1999)
  2. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Z. Moravec: Follow-up astrometry of NEOs at Klet Observatory - present and future (Proc. IAU Coll.173, 1999) (Proc. IAU Coll. 173, 1999)


  1. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Z. Moravec: Minor planets at Klet' - from discovery to numbering (Planetary and Space Science, 1998)


  1. R. Hudec, P. Spurny, J. Florian, J. Bocek, Tichý, M., Tichá, J., L. Vyskocil W. Wenzel, S. Barthelmy, T. Cline, N. Gehrels, G. Fishmann, C. Kouveliotou, C. Meegan, A. Mutafov, F. Hovorka: European Observation Network : Ground-Based Support for Gamma-Ray Satellites (Experimental Astronomy, 1997)
  2. Z. Moravec, Tichá, J., Tichý, M.: Astrometry of Asteroids with USNO-SA1.0 Reference Star Catalog (Journees, 1997)
  3. R. Hudec, P. Spurny, J. Florian, J. Bocek, Tichý, M., Tichá, J., L. Vyskocil, W. Wenzel, S. Barthelmy, T. Cline, N. Gehrels, G. Fishmann, C. Kouveliotou, C. Meegan, A. Mutafov, F. Hovorka: The European Observation Network: Ground-Based Support for Gamma-Ray Satellites (Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 1997)


  1. Hudec, R.; Soldan, J.; Spurny, P.; Florian, J.; Stepan, P.; Tichý, M.; Tichá, J.; Vyskocil, L.; Wenzel, W.; Barthelmy, S.; Cline, T.; Gehrels, N.; Fishman, G. J.; Meegan, C.; Kouveliotou, C.: Searches for Optical Counterparts to GRBs: EON and AIO (Proc. 3rd Huntsville Symposium, 1996)


  1. Tichá, J., Tichý, M., Z. Moravec: Klet' minor planet discovery frequency by months (comparison) (Earth, Moon and Planets, 1995)
  2. R. Hudec, P. Spurny, J. Florian, J. Bocek, Tichý, M., Tichá, J., L. Vyskocil, W. Wenzel, S. Barthelmy, T. Cline, N. Gehrels, G. Fishmann, C. Kouveliotou, C. Meegan, A. Mutafov, F. Hovorka: European Observation Network : First Experience with Bacodine Triggers (Astrophysics and Space Science, 1995)
  3. D. Kubacek, E. M. Pittich, J. Zvolankova, Tichá, J., M.Tichy: Aberation angles of comet Bradfield 1987 XXIX plasma tail (Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 1995)


  1. E. M. Pittich, J. Zvolankova, Tichá, J., M.Tichy, D. Kubacek: Comet Liller 1988 V and solar wind (Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso, 1994)
  2. P. Pravec, Tichý, M., Tichá, J., Z. Moravec, Z. Vavrova, M. Velen: CCD astrometry of asteroids and comets using the Guide Star Catalog
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